Sabtu, 24 Desember 2011
Kategori : Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI)
Ukuran : 3,11 MB
Pernahkah Anda membaca Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI) ? Kalau sudah bagaimana Anda merasakan beratnya buku itu, dan seberapa sulitnya mencari kata - kata dalam Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia. Sekilas tentang KBBI yang saya kutip langsung dari portal KBBI yaitu Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia Dalam Jaringan ialah sebagai berikut,
"Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia yang dikenal dengan sebutan KBBI terbit pertama 28 Oktober 1988 saat Pembukaan Kongres V Bahasa Indonesia. Sejak itu kamus tersebut telah menjadi sumber rujukan yang dipercaya baik di kalangan pengguna di dalam maupun di luar negeri. Setiap ada permasalahan tentang kata, KBBI selalu dianggap sebagai jalan keluar penyelesaiannya. Selain muatan isi, KBBI memang disusun tidak sekadar sebagai sumber rujukan, tetapi menjadi sumber penggalian ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, dan seni, serta peradaban Indonesia. Oleh karena itu, rujukan tersebut kemudian semakin mengakar di dalam kehidupan berbahasa Indonesia walaupun upaya penyempurnaan isi tidak selamanya mengimbangi perkembangan kosakata bahasa Indonesia."
portal KBBI yaitu Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia Dalam Jaringan ialah salah satu portal yang dapat Anda akses lewat internet untuk menggantikan fungsi kamus konvensional yang mulai cukup sulit untuk diakses dalam dunia yang memang memerlukan sesuatu yang mobile dan portabel seperti saat ini. Dapat dibayangkan betapa sulitnya Anda membawa kamus yang setebal dan seberat itu, dan betapa harus bekerja kerasnya Anda ketika harus mencari suatu kosakata diantara jutaan kosakata lainnya. Maka semenjak terdapat portal tersebutlah rakyat Indonesia dimudahkan dalam mengakses KBBI tanpa harus membawa bukunya kemanapun Anda berada dan kapanpun Anda butuhkan. Akan tetapi permasalahannya ialah tidak setiap saat Anda bisa terkoneksi internet (entah karena alasan tidak ada sinyal maupun karena tidak memiliki modem, ataupun alasan lainnya). Oleh sebab itulah Software Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia Versi 1.1. ini bisa Anda gunakan secara offline tanpa harus mengakses portal KBBI yaitu Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia Dalam Jaringan. Baiklah sobat, Selamat berbahasa Indonesia yang baik dan benar !!
Minggu, 04 Desember 2011
Jasa SEO Murah
Jasa SEO Murah: Aqucomp merupakan penyedia Jasa SEO murah dengan berbagai kelebihan yang akan didapatkan. Jasa Seo kami telah terbukti dalam meningkatkan jumlah pengunjung dari mesin pencari. Kami menggunakan cara yang efektif dengan cara memberikan solusi pemilihan kata kunci yang tepat dan selektif serta membangun pondasi website/blog dari segi SEO onpage maupun offpage. A
Selasa, 29 November 2011
Kategori : Virtual Observatorium
Ukuran : 44 MB
Stellarium merupakan sejenis software yang dapat menampilkan visualisasi layaknya pada sebuah observatorium. Dengan demikian dapat diartikan software ini merupakan sejenis obeservatorim virtual. Software ini membawa Anda seperti seorang astronom dengan database informasi tentang benda - benda langit secara lengkap. Software ini benar - benar memvisualisasikan posisi pergerakan benda langit sesungguhnya, sehingga dengan demikian Anda dapat mengetahui kapan terjadi bulan purnama, kapan terlihatnya hilal (untuk penentuan 1 syawal), dan sebagainya. Dan yang sangat menarik ialah software ini digunakan secara offline atau tanpa harus terkoneksi dengan internet. Jadi, segera download software yang luar biasa ini ya !!
Kamis, 17 November 2011
Keunggulan Windows Hosting Indonesia
Windows hosting indonesia merupakan paket hosting yang disediakan untuk para hoster di Indonesia berbasis sistem operasi windows. Dengan menggunakan platform windows, tentu banyak keunggulan yang bakal didapatkan oleh para penggunanya. Dikatakan demikian sebab sistem operasi windows merupakan sistem operasi yang banyak digunakan sehingga kita lebih familiar dan lebih mudah dalam mengoperasikan
Selasa, 15 November 2011
INPUT VIDEO TO PDF + Tutorial | masPRIS9000
Kategori : Input Video to PDF
Ukuran : 21,5 MB
Input Video To PDF sesuai namanya yaitu aplikasi yang digunakan untuk memasukkan video ke dalam file yang berformat PDF. Sebenarnya ini bukanlah software khusus, namun kombinasi cara untuk memasukkan video kedalam file berformat pdf dengan menggunakan bantuan software Foxit Reader. Dengan aplikasi ini maka dapat dibuat sebuah e-book interaktif yang dapat menyajikan data atau informasi gerak, seperti video. Dalam paket Input Video to PDF ini terdapat software Foxit Reader dan Tutorial cara memasukkan video ke dalam file PDF yang sudah kita buat menggunakan Microsoft Powerpoint atau Microsoft Word. Paket aplikasi ini dikembangkan bersama kawan saya Benny Agung R. Terima Kasih.
Sabtu, 24 September 2011
Eating Disorder Symptoms
Eating Disorder Symptoms: Eating disorder symptoms often occur in teenagers. Eating disorders are an impulsive focus on healthy food and nutrition that comes suddenly. They constantly are checking the food labels to check on the fat grams and calories on the food. They will suddenly choose to avoid fats and drastically being picky about what to eat. Eating disorder symptoms are starting to lose
Love and Dating Tips
Love and Dating Tips: Love and dating tips both for men and women are important to make a good first impression on the first date. Here are the dating tips for both men and women. Sometimes dating, especially first date can be a stressful moment since we are afraid in making wrong impression to him or her. We sometimes do not really know what topic that should be discussed since it is the very
Panic Attacks Symptoms
Panic Attacks Symptoms: Panic attacks symptoms usually strike us when we are far away from home. Yet we have to know that this can happen almost anywhere and anytime. We may have panic attacks symptoms at the shopping mall, maybe when we were walking down the street or driving in our car. The panic attacks symptoms will occur and reach the peak in 10 minutes. Most of them have it last for about
Jumat, 23 September 2011
Magic of Making Up
Magic of Making Up: Magic of Making Up is software that helps me a lot recently. I was broke up with my boyfriend. I was so stupid for lying too much to him that he let me go. He was fed up and we were breaking up. Until last week I was still mourning, moaning and crying out his name. But then I found Magic of Making Up review on the internet. I was too hopeless to believe it, but anyway I tried
Aspergers in Children
Aspergers in Children: Aspergers in children is a milder version of autism. The illness first discovered by Austrian doctors, Hans Asperger in 1994. The Aspergers in children is the kind of developmental disorder where children do not want to communicate and socialize with other people. It is hard for them to mingle in the society and they are resistance to changes. It has autism traits but with
Autism in Children
Autism in Children: Autism in children is a disorder from birth or their early months of their life. They have unique behavior such as in social relationships and interactions, their language and communication, and also their activities and interest. What is Autism actually? The brain disorder from birth and will result in the delay and deviance from the normal pattern of development.
Anxiety in Children
Anxiety in Children: Anxiety in children is an unfortunate event for children. But sadly it is a common problem in this era. We can try several ways in calming and reducing the anxiety in children. Whenever our kids feel the anxiety
Happy Child Guide
Happy Child Guide: Happy Child Guide will hopefully help any parents with unruly child problem. It is me myself who have the experience in that. Most people believe that being a parent is not always easy. Believe me; I have the stressful condition when it comes to taking care of my child. I thought I was going to die when I found Happy Child Guide books and the Happy Child Guide review
Colic Symptoms
Colic Symptoms: Colic symptoms should have to be found out early. Sometimes Colic symptoms, in babies especially, will be very annoying and exhausting. Can you imagine how does it feel when your stomach upsetting you all of sudden? It is bad, isn’t it? Now imagine that thing happens to a baby who still does not know how to manage their pain well. It is absolutely bad.
Divorce Advice for Women | Divorce Advice
Divorce Advice for Women | Divorce Advice: Divorce advice for women is often very hard to do since having a divorce will cause them heartache and pain for a long time. Getting divorce is never easy for women. It will cause them such long emotional pain and traumatic or even mental disorder. They may need professionals to help them get through this situation. And fortunately,
Divorce Advice for Men | Divorce Advice
Divorce Advice for Men | Divorce Advice: Divorce advice for men should be started with preparing documents before getting divorce. Gathering files and document are crucial for anyone who will get a divorce. It is because the documents are the things that will be used for legalizing the divorce process in the court.
Divorce Advice
Divorce Advice: Divorce advice of what people should not do during their divorce process is the main subject of this article. Most people may do the stupid and wrong things when they are facing a divorce during the panic and nervous situation. The divorce advice this time will tell us the dumb things men and women do in divorce. It is not meant to embarrass anyone or ruin their credibility.
Father of the Bride Speeches
Father of the Bride Speeches | Wedding Speech Ideas: Father of the Bride Speeches and the groom speeches are the most important speech in their daughters’ wedding day. Father of the Bride Speeches, It is also considered as best man speeches. They often the peak of the ceremony and will give everyone a silent moment to hear what a father will say about her daughter. The father of the bride
Maid of honor speeches | Wedding Speech Ideas
Maid of honor speeches: Maid of Honor Speeches for Best Friend or Sister. Maid of honor speeches are often the frightening moment for some people. Creating needs some insight and we may tell sweet memories for the bride and groom without insulting them or revealing any secrets about them. What can be done in creating the maid of honor speeches ?
Wedding Speech Ideas
Wedding Speech Ideas: Wedding speech ideas in a wedding is a frightening and nervous moment. When it comes to you to realize that it is you the one who will have a speech for the bridal couple, you may not have any idea what kind of thing you’d like to say. Whoever the bride and groom are, especially if they are our best friends
Kamis, 22 September 2011
Garden Shed Plans
Garden Shed Plans: Garden shed plans have to be made before we are making the garden shed. The first thing to do is to find the building permits. We certainly do not want to have illegal garden sheds right? Illegal shed will cost us more than making the shed and looking for the permits itself.
Teds Woodworking Plans
Teds Woodworking Plans: Teds Woodworking plans is the right solution for your woodworking problem.For those who love or have the passion in woodworking, they may eagerly need to know the right treatment to every problem occurred.
Secrets to Dog Training
Secrets to Dog Training: Secrets to dog training are the tool to help us training our aggressive and potty dog in easy ways. The secrets to dog training will provide the information on how to train our dog just like professionals. We can do it easily in our own home. The secrets to dog training review really help me to know what they are offering.
Million Dollar Pips
Million Dollar Pips: Million Dollar Pips is automated forex trading software to help you earn much money in a short time without have to work! I do not believe it when I first heard it. I have friends who deal with forex but many times they failed, that is why I never want to try dealing with forex.
WiseFixer: Wisefixer is a monitor that will process and boosts the performance by setting the Startup items and cleans the Windows registry and maximizing the System settings. Some of us might have some problems such as our System error because of the missing system files or broken structure of the system registry.
Jumat, 09 September 2011
Four Magic Moves | The Simple Golf Swing
Four Magic Moves | The Simple Golf Swing: Four Magic Moves, find The Magic Power Of Golf. If you want to win the golf tournament, you will need some strategies that can hold you into the great place. It is no only how to perform your gold club, not only buy expensive gloves, wearing the luxurious shoes; it is not on this term. The power of golf you can find in yourself, for supporting your need
Natural Golf Swing | The Simple Golf Swing
Natural Golf Swing | The Simple Golf Swing: Natural Golf Swing, Something Natural Can Give You Good Result. Think about natural, can make your day become perfect. Natural topic is not only about change the environment into green condition, change non-healthy thing become healthy core also can lead the way of your own style. Natural style is the most important for everyone that wants to keep the
Perfect Golf Swing | The Simple Golf Swing
Perfect Golf Swing | The Simple Golf Swing: Perfect Golf Swing, Talk about golf is also talk about how to make a perfect Golf Swing grip. Perfect grip is the important factor for golf player to be the winner and they should not to obey this term. The perfect grip is making one purpose, good swing and perfect ball direction, it is easy to say, but difficult for making an action. Now, you can able
The Simple Golf Swing
The Simple Golf Swing: The Simple Golf Swing, everyone love to know about the golf secret, maybe from this term you can find the hidden technique of the simple golf swing that can be your perfect strategy to win the golf tournament next week. Talk about the simple guide of golf player or maybe golf guru teaching in simple mode, in fact, it is not for the rookie field. Generously, advanced player
Fap Turbo Expert Guide | Fap Turbo Review
Fap Turbo Expert Guide | Fap Turbo Review: Fap Turbo Expert Guide, How long you do trading in Forex market? In this market people sell and buy the currency from their countries to other people from different countries. The value of each currency always change and it’s very dynamic. The economy statistic in a country affects the values of currency in the world trading.
Automated Forex Trading | Fap Turbo Review
Automated Forex Trading | Fap Turbo Review: Automated Forex Trading, Choose the Automatic Forex Software to Succeed Your TradingYou already performed Forex trading as your business. It’s because the income is more than the usual trader or seller.
Forex Trading Robot | Fap Turbo Review
Forex Trading Robot | Fap Turbo Review: Forex Trading Robot, Today, the online business is very famous and many people turn their on site business into the online one. It’s because it’s easier and all you need is only internet connection and computer. Everything can be happened on the internet, including exchange market. Forex is the foreign exchange market that allows people to sell and buy
Kamis, 08 September 2011
Fap Turbo Review
Fap Turbo Review: Fap Turbo Review, Do you know about Forex? Forex is the short from “Foreign Exchange”. Forex market appears because the differences of currencies from one country with other countries.
Adira Asuransi Kendaraan Terbaik Indonesia
Adira Asuransi Kendaraan Terbaik Indonesia: Adira Asuransi Kendaraan Terbaik Indonesia, Asuransi kendaraan sangat kita butuhkan, mengapa ? karena kita tidak tahu kerugian apa yang akan terjadi pada kendaraan kita. Oleh karena itu, pihak asuransi siap menanggung semua resiko yang terjadi pada kendaraan anda. Sehingga bisa dikatakan perusahaan asuransi kendaraan akan mengurangi ketidakpastian
Bejubel Market Place Terbaik Indonesia
Bejubel Market Place Terbaik Indonesia: Bejubel Market Place Terbaik Indonesia, adalah website beranda jual beli sehingga anda bisa melakukan jual beli gratis tanpa biaya tayang iklan, tanpa biaya iklan baris, tanpa bersusah payah mencari barang dengan keliling ke toko satu ke toko yang lain dan lain sebagainya.
TEAK 123 best teak garden furniture manufacturer wholesale in Indonesia
TEAK 123 best teak garden furniture manufacturer wholesale in Indonesia: TEAK 123 best teak garden furniture manufacturer wholesale in Indonesia, Having a garden outside your house is a great asset nowadays. It is hard to find the houses that still have the garden. Based on the fact, it is better for you to maximize the function of your garden so that it can be the additional aesthetic value of
Voucher Hotel Murah di RajaKamar.Com
Voucher Hotel Murah di RajaKamar.Com: Voucher Hotel Murah di RajaKamar.Com. ketika kita ingin bepergian ke luar kota atau luar pulau, kita sering dipusingkan dengan mencari hotel yang bagus dan murah. Mulai dari tanya teman hingga internet, tetapi belum juga ketemu dengan tempat menginap yang kita inginkan. Ada yang cocok tapi harganya mahal dll. Masalah tersebut bisa diatasi dengan kemampuan
Zakat dan Menyerahkan ke Lembaga Amil Zakat yang Dipercaya Masyarakat | Blog Gundul
Zakat dan Menyerahkan ke Lembaga Amil Zakat yang Dipercaya Masyarakat | Blog Gundul: - Sent using Google ToolbarRead More .......and........ voted
Zakat dan Menyerahkan ke Lembaga Amil Zakat yang Dipercaya Masyarakat | Blog Gundul
Zakat dan Menyerahkan ke Lembaga Amil Zakat yang Dipercaya Masyarakat | Blog Gundul: Menurut Wikipedia Zakat (Bahasa Arab: زكاة; transliterasi: Zakah) adalah jumlah harta tertentu yang wajib dikeluarkan oleh orang yang beragama Islam dan diberikan kepada golongan yang berhak menerimanya (fakir miskin dan sebagainya) menurut ketentuan yang telah ditetapkan oleh syarak. Zakat sendiri merupakan
Kontes SEO Info Zakat & Teak123
Kontes SEO Info Zakat & Teak123 Kontes SEO Info Zakat & Teak123, kontes dengan tema zakat dan teak 123 merupakan ajang kontes untuk memberi kita pengalaman dan berkompetisi di dunia Search Engine Optimization. Dunia SEO di dalam internet marketing memang sangatlah penting. Salah satu kunci sukses para internet marketing ini tentu wajib dipelajar oleh setiap marketer. Oleh dan sebab itu kontes SEO
Selasa, 16 Agustus 2011
TOP 1 Oli sintetik mobil-motor Indonesia
TOP 1 Oli sintetik mobil-motor Indonesia: "TOP 1 Oli sintetik mobil-motor Indonesia, Oli mesin mempunyai fungsi untuk melumasi mesin agar mesin tetap terawat dan juga bisa memperpanjang usia penggunaan mesin, dan juga sebagai bahan pelumas supaya mesin tetap bekerja mulus
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Rabu, 10 Agustus 2011
The Diet Solution Program - Diet Solution Program Scam | The Diet Solution Program
The Diet Solution Program - Diet Solution Program Scam | The Diet Solution Program: "Diet solution program scam, We are living in a world that demand us to be able to carry out our task with fast and make us throw away many important thing since
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The Diet Solution Program make Diet Plans easily | The Diet Solution Program
The Diet Solution Program make Diet Plans easily | The Diet Solution Program: "The Diet Solution Program that you can get easily from the Internet, no matter how we are looking at it, there are many people who have problems about their weight either it
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Skin whitening - natural way your skin whitening
Skin whitening - natural way your skin whitening: "Skin Whitening Tips, Be Careful with the Skin Whitening Products You Apply! Why most women in this world do is dreaming to have the white skin? Well, believe it or not, the color of skin can influence the other’s
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Skin Bleaching | Skin Whitening Tips
Skin Bleaching | Skin Whitening Tips: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Skin Bleaching | Skin Whitening Tips
Skin Bleaching | Skin Whitening Tips: Skin Bleaching, Be Careful with the skin whitening products You Apply! Are you having problem with the dark skin? Well, this is very hard for you to keep your skin healthy and also shiny or maybe flawless. This can be a real problem
The Diet Solution Program
The Diet Solution Program: "When we are too busy with our job, it is obvious that we will leave many important things in our life.
When we are too busy with our job, it is obvious that we will leave many important things in our life.
When we are too busy with our job, it is obvious that we will leave many important things in our life.
Skin Whitening Tips
Skin Whitening Tips: "Find Best Skin Whitening Products and Get the Tips of it for Your Self ! , Do you have a problem with your confidence just because of your skin color?
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Paleo Diet Recipes
Paleo Diet Recipes: "Paleo diet recipes, Recipes for Supporting the Diet Program
Going on a diet is not easy sometimes. There are several things that maybe tempting enough to make the diet failed. In the end
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Going on a diet is not easy sometimes. There are several things that maybe tempting enough to make the diet failed. In the end
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Paleo Diet Recipes Cookbook
Paleo Diet Recipes Cookbook"- Sent using Google Toolbar"
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Paleo Diet Recipes
Paleo Diet Recipes: "Paleo Diet Recipes, Looking for Diet Menu? Try This Book
There are a lot of people who go on a diet programs in order to reach the ideal weight of the body or to reach the certain weight in the body building program.
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There are a lot of people who go on a diet programs in order to reach the ideal weight of the body or to reach the certain weight in the body building program.
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Pregnancy Miracle Book Lisa Olson
Pregnancy Miracle Book Lisa Olson"Pregnancy Miracle Book – Good News for Infertile Couples. Married couples always want to have their own little angel in their household even though in their first year they agree to postpone on having babies.
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Pregnancy Miracle Book Review
Pregnancy Miracle Book Review: "Pregnancy Miracle Book Review, Natural Procedures to Reverse Infertility and be Pregnant. Are you desperate for your doctor has told you to forget your dream for bearing a baby and have your own baby?
Pregnancy Miracle Book
Pregnancy Miracle Book: Pregnancy Miracle Book, Innovative Treatment for Infertile Women. A woman who has been claimed that she will not be able to conceive by a doctor finally gives birth a pretty healthy baby.
Mobil Keluarga Terbaik Di Indonesia | Blog Gundul
Mobil Keluarga Terbaik Di Indonesia: Mobil Keluarga Terbaik Di Indonesia 300x179 Mobil Keluarga Terbaik Di Indonesia
Mobil Keluarga Terbaik Di Indonesia
Mobil Keluarga Terbaik Di Indonesia adalah mobil terbaik idaman bagi para keluarga indonesia untuk mendapatkan kenyamanan dalam menempuh perjalanan baik itu jarak dekat maupun jarak jauh.
Mobil Keluarga Terbaik Di Indonesia
Mobil Keluarga Terbaik Di Indonesia adalah mobil terbaik idaman bagi para keluarga indonesia untuk mendapatkan kenyamanan dalam menempuh perjalanan baik itu jarak dekat maupun jarak jauh.
Mobil Keluarga Terbaik Di Indonesia | Blog Gundul
Mobil Keluarga Terbaik Di Indonesia | Blog Gundul: Mobil Keluarga Terbaik Di Indonesia adalah mobil terbaik idaman bagi para keluarga indonesia
Jumat, 22 Juli 2011
SMADAV 2011 REV. 8.6
Kategori : Antivirus
Ukuran : 610 KB
Smadav...smadav...ternyata masih eksis juga meramaikan dunia antivirus, khususnya di Indonesia. Saya akui dalam mengatasi virus shortcut, antivirus ini jagonya. Tetapi agak jengkel juga sebenarnya versi yang 8.5 kemarin mengalami trouble/masalah pada saat proses instalasinya sehingga Smadav tidak bisa terinstal dengan baik di komputer, oleh karena itulah tidak diriview di masPRIS9000 Software. Mudah - mudahan yang versi ini bisa lebih baik yakni dengan penambahan database 100 virus baru, Penyempurnaan fitur Smadav-Updater, Pendeteksian khusus untuk virus Ramnit, Sality, & OneLetter yang menyebar via USB Flash Disk, dsb. Antivirus ini cukup ringan, meskipun akan ada indikasi semakin berat untuk versi - versi selanjutnya sebab semakin lama ukuran masternya yang semakin besar.
Terlepas dari itu semua antivirus ini keren, dan yang penting INDONESIA.
Kategori : Internet Browser
Ukuran : 13 MB
Sekedar mengingatkan bagi yang belum memiliki mozilla versi terbaru untuk segera mendownloadnya. Tampilannya keren, kemudian yang jelas mozilla firefox merupakan browser yang digadang memiliki performa atau kinerja yang paling stabil diantara browser – browser yang lain. Oleh sebab itulah Mozilla Firefox merupakan salah satu browser yang paling sering digunakan oleh para pengguna internet, khususnya di Indonesia. Dari statistik blog masPRIS9000 Software saja, pengunjung yang mengunjungi blog ini hampir 80% menggunakan mozilla firefox sebagai browser mereka.
Kategori : Disc Jockey Tools
Ukuran : 28,5 MB
Semua dari Anda pasti sudah mengetahui DJ atau Disc Jockey, itu loh yang biasa memainkan musik yang biasanya kebanyakan di diskotik, namun saat ini tidak selalu demikian, banyak juga DJ saat ini banyak bermunculan di acara musik TV untuk meramu musik – musik agar lebih memiliki spirit. DJ dituntut untuk membuat musik lebih enak buat Ajep...ajep... maksudnya untuk berjoged atau bergoyang. Jika dilihat di TV kayaknya mudah sekali ya DJ dalam memainkan alatnya yang entah apa namanya (aku tidak tahu namanya), tinggal mainin musik terus ditambah efek – efek tertentu, jadi dehhh musik yang enak ditelinga. Tetapi setelah mencoba men-DJ pakai software Virtual DJ Home ini ternyata ribet juga, mulai dari mengatur tempo, efek, dan yang paling sulit cara mengombinasi dua lagu agar pas, waduh ribet. Nah bagi yang mau mencoba men-DJ, pakai deh software ini. Virtual DJ Home bersifat freeware atau gratis atau tidak berbayar, versi ini memang sedikit berbeda dari versi Virtual DJ yang sebelumnya yang harus memasukkan serial numbernya artinya masih bersifat trial (shareware).
Sabtu, 25 Juni 2011
IDM 6.06 Build 8 Final
Internet Download Manager is a software download accelerator and download manager that has the advantage to increase download speeds up to 500% and can download multiple files at the same time. In addition IDM has a feature to resume file download if your connection is disconnected.
New Features:
- added support firefox 5
- advanced browser integration has been significantly amended
- improved automatic interception of downloads, enhanced video stream detection in chrome, opera and in other browser which are integrated with network driver
- resolved problems with foreign versions of windows when a username contains hieroglyphs or other Unicode characters
- and much more
Password Link
Kamis, 23 Juni 2011
Vectorian Giotto
Vectorian Giotto is a free software flash animation design created for you not to code. With Giotto you can relax and focus on the concept of imagination to integrate graphics and music into your design work. With Giotto you do not need to master the code of action script 3 as the latest Adobe Flash is because Giotto has full support for ActionScript 2, but this software makes the built-in effects generator that will help you create amazing effects with no script at all. This software is made in full to you.
Key Features:
- We created Giotto for designers, not coders
- Vector drawing, animations, sounds, filters
- Powerful animated effects without any scripting at all
- Color palette editor that you can actually use
- User interface very similar to Adobe® Flash®
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Rabu, 22 Juni 2011
Xilisoft ISO Burner Portable
Xilisoft ISO Burner is a software to burn the ISO file to a CD or DVD, this software supports almost all formats, including IMG, BIN / CUE, CDI, MDF, NRG, B5i, B6i, and DMG. With the best speed to burn an ISO file, and with some steps you can burn the ISO file to a CD or DVD.
Key Features:
- Burn ISO to DVD / CD
With ISO Burner, you can quickly burn the ISO file, video / audio, and operating system ISO files to CD / DVD - Burn other image files
The ISO burner also can burn all other image files including BIN/CUE, IMG, MDF, NRG, CDI, B5i, B6i, and DMG - Support all CD/DVD discs
You can burn ISO files to CD-R, CD-RW, DVD-R, DVD+R, DVD-RW, DVD+RW, DVD+R DL, etc. - High speed
ISO Burner will burn disks and disks with the highest speed supported to save you time - Remove the disc content
ISO Burner will warn you if you want to delete the files contained in the disk when you insert a CD-RW - Burn speed and number of copies
You can set the speed to burn an ISO file in accordance with your will and copy number if you want to burn multiple copies into the disk - Shows a detailed burn process
Display burn rate of progress and provide passed and remaining time of burning the ISO for your reference - Multi-language
ISO burner provides English, German, Chinese, Japanese
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Selasa, 21 Juni 2011
It’s a Place to Take Rehabilitation
Being addicted in drugs is a nightmare for everyone, that’s why you are definitely have to avoid that, but if you are already fall down in a mud, no choices you have to get up. The elaboration is if you have already being a drug addict, you must look forward for help. Nothing can be done except you have a treatment or rehabilitation. When you don’t know where to find it, you can click
Senin, 20 Juni 2011
tablet android honeycomb terbaik murah
Tablet Android Honeycomb Terbaik Murah , adalah suatu kata yang tepat untuk menggambarkan kehebatan dari gadget yang dikeluarkan oleh Acer ini. Rupanya Acer tidak ingin ketinggalan untuk mengembangkan produk berupa gadget.
Jumat, 17 Juni 2011
1st javascript editor features a very simple and ordinary as any other editor, but its main feature is to have a code library with a collection of HTML tags and attributes, all Javascript events and about 1200 predefined JavaScript functions, just ready to copy and paste in your code will amazed at how intuitive the interface is very simple and practical. Using this editor you will never feel bored with HTML or javascript.
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Rabu, 15 Juni 2011
Roxio Creator 2011
Roxio Creator 2011 Pro Multilanguage DVD1 (setup) + DVD2 (Disk Konten) | ISO | 3.16 Mb | XP/Vista/7 |
HD video to Blu-ray DiscsTMThe complement of Blu-ray Disc HD video allows you to create DVD and Blu-ray Discs. Capture video from AVCHD camcorders and HDProtect your discs with encryptionRoxio Burn - Secure allows you to record and copy discs directly from your desktop and protect data with powerful encryption and password.Create custom soundtracksSmartSound Sonicfire Pro lets you easily orchestrate sophisticated soundtracks for videos and presentations. Use the "Mode Selector" mode to adjust the audio to the image, or select tracks from the new music library, Vidy Award (five stars) of Videography Magazine
System Requirements:
- Microsoft 7 Home Premium, Professional or Ultimate (32 - or 64-bit), Microsoft Windows Vista SP2 (32 - or 64-bit), Windows XP SP3 (32 - or 64-bit)
- For copying and recording data and audio capture and editing: Intel Pentium 4 1.6 GHz or AMD equivalent, 512 MB RAM for Windows XP and 1 GB RAM for Windows Vista and Windows 7. For editing and converting video and DVD playback, processor Intel Pentium 4 2 GHz or AMD equivalent 1 GB RAM. Multicore processor recommended 2 GB of RAM.
- DirectX 9.0c compatible graphics card with a 1024 × 768 color setting of at least 16-bit sound card, DVD-ROM
- Accelerated Stream and CUDA ATI graphics cards available only activated AMD ATI or NVIDIA CUDA Stream.
- Hard disk with at least 3 GB of free space for installation. Copying DVD and BD, as well as video editing and may require large amounts of disk space, up to tens of GB
- Windows Media Player 9, 10, 11 or 12.
- Internet Explorer 7 or 8.
- Requires an Internet connection to register and update the product and some features. The user must pay for Internet applications.
- QuickTime Player, version 7 for some functions.
- ITunes version 8 for some functions.
- For video capture: IEEE 1394 Firewire Card OHCI compliant (for use with DV camera) or Roxio Video Capture USB analog sources
- The configuration of the server roles require media access on a PC always connected to a cable network
- Video: AVI, DV-AVI, HDV, MPEG-1/2/4, MPEG2-HD, WMV, WMV HD, AVC (H.264), MP4, 3GP
- Audio: MP3, WAV, WMA, Dolby Digital AC-3, Ogg Vorbis, FLAC, MPEG-1 / 2, M4A, M4B AAC, Playlists (M3U, PLS, XSPF, WPL)
- Video disc formats: DVD, Video CD (VCD), Super Video CD (SVCD), Mini DVD
- Disc image formats: read ISO, C2D, BIN / CUE and GI; write ISO and GI
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Chief Architect Premier v13.4.2.7
Premier is the main architect for the design of all aspects of commercial and residential lighting. Very powerful for building and designing tools that can assist in the design field professionally quickly to make plans in accordance with standard building practices. Each element is placed in the plan that has been commonly used by default to make the design process efficient and productive. When you draw a wall, the program automatically create a 3D model and produce a list of materials. There is a powerful building tool Automatic and Manual to produce a document with the Site Construction Plan, Floor Plans, Framing Plans, Plans Electric / HVAC, Details Section, and Elevation. Finally, Chief Architect includes design tools for photo-realistic rendering, rendering Artistic and Virtual Tour to help the client visualize your design.
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Embarcadero Delphi 2010 RTM v14.0.3513.24210.Lite v3.5
Delphi 2010 is equipped with a powerful object-oriented language with a fast compiler and the Windows API access, debugging and refactoring tools are developed, support Integrated Development Environment (IDE) with tools to save time, robust to local databases and multiple servers and Visual Component Library (VCL ) easily using drag and drop components to speed application design. Delphi 2010 comes in a variety of different editions to meet your needs and budget, including Delphi 2010 Professional, Delphi 2010 and Delphi 2010 Enterprise Architect. Delphi 2010 also included in RAD Studio 2010.
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Selasa, 14 Juni 2011
Acoustica CD/DVD Label Maker v3.33
Acoustica CD / DVD Label Maker is a software that allows you to create their own CD labels with ease and very flexible. Large selection of design templates such as holidays and special occasions such as Christmas, Valentine's, birthdays, holidays, weddings and more Chock. Automatically imports your track information from Acoustica MP3 CD Burner, WinAmp, Easy CD Creator, or a list of other popular players. Print on standard paper or stock sticker labels and jewel case templates.
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Minggu, 12 Juni 2011
ZoneAlarm Pro v10.0.240.000
ZoneAlarm Pro is an application designed to protect your computer and your firewall from threats of all kinds on the internet and local network. This program provides excellent protection on the basis of the firewall, including the possibility of actually decided all network and Internet activity. Firewall has a flexible configuration rules, which can be configured individually or use the preset rules. Filter Application (Access List), allowing you to set access rights to the network for each program.
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Jumat, 10 Juni 2011
Windows 7 Alienware 2010 (x86)
Windows 7 Alienware 2010 (x86) | 2.91GB
New Sound Windows
Added driver Alienware Gamepad
Added driver Alienware Bluetooth
include 7-zip
include Adobe Flash Player plugin
include Adobe Flash PlayerActiveX
Registry Boosted up
More Stable and Reliable
UAC is enabled
New Windows Media Player
New Shortcuts Arrows
Added Control Registry in the Control Panel
Added My Computer in the Control Panel
Added user directory in the Control Panel
Added Library in the Control Panel
Added transferor Windows in the Control Panel
Enabled Show Desktop on explorer context menu
Added Network in Control Panel
Added Internet Explorer in Control Panel
Added policy of the Group in the Control Panel
Added Recycle Bin in the Control Panel
Added policy of the Group in the Control Panel
Added Recycle Bin in the Control Panel
Added User Accounts in Control Panel 2
Enabled Font smoothing
Enabled all the desktop icons
Enabled startpanel off
Enabled for Windows Live
Enabled Bluetooth taskbar icon
Enabled Font smoothing
Enabled all the desktop icons
Enabled startpanel off
Enabled for Windows Live
Enabled Bluetooth taskbar icon
Increasing the speed of the display menu
Screensaver time set out in 1 Min and such default screensaver Photscreensaver
Enabled Lowlevel timeout Hooks
Enabled hidden wallpapers and themes
Welcome activated center
Enabled Auto Endtask
Enabled Administrative tools in Start Menu
Enabled on start menu
Screensaver time set out in 1 Min and such default screensaver Photscreensaver
Enabled Lowlevel timeout Hooks
Enabled hidden wallpapers and themes
Welcome activated center
Enabled Auto Endtask
Enabled Administrative tools in Start Menu
Enabled on start menu
Taskbar is set to mode - combining when the full taskbar
Power button action is set to shutdown
My computer is switched on Display
Enabled Programes and features on the My computer
Enabled Administrative Tools in My Computer
Enabled Backup and Restore on My Computer
Enabled Device Manager in My Computer
Enabled Windows Firewall on My Computer
Enabled Mobility Center on My computer
Enabled Windows Update on My Computer
Enabled Search on My computer
Regional Language Enabled on My computer
Power button action is set to shutdown
My computer is switched on Display
Enabled Programes and features on the My computer
Enabled Administrative Tools in My Computer
Enabled Backup and Restore on My Computer
Enabled Device Manager in My Computer
Enabled Windows Firewall on My Computer
Enabled Mobility Center on My computer
Enabled Windows Update on My Computer
Enabled Search on My computer
Regional Language Enabled on My computer
Enabled Network and Sharing Center on the My computer
Enabled Run on My Computer
Enabled Folder Options on the computer kMy
Enabled Copy to, Move to, permit Admin Grant, Open with notepad, Open in new window, disk cleanup, analysis Defragment, Defragment your drives
Activated Register and unregister a DLL
Added Device Manager, shorcuts Cascading Menu, God mode, policy Group, MS-config, service, registry editor in the My Computer context menu
Showing Hidden files, folders and files the operating system
Showing hidden drives without media
Showing file extensions
Disabled low disk space warning
Activated powerdown after shutdown
Command Window text color is set to Red
Enabled Autorestart in even BSOD
Displaying search in start menu
No beep sound activated
Enabled Run on My Computer
Enabled Folder Options on the computer kMy
Enabled Copy to, Move to, permit Admin Grant, Open with notepad, Open in new window, disk cleanup, analysis Defragment, Defragment your drives
Activated Register and unregister a DLL
Added Device Manager, shorcuts Cascading Menu, God mode, policy Group, MS-config, service, registry editor in the My Computer context menu
Showing Hidden files, folders and files the operating system
Showing hidden drives without media
Showing file extensions
Disabled low disk space warning
Activated powerdown after shutdown
Command Window text color is set to Red
Enabled Autorestart in even BSOD
Displaying search in start menu
No beep sound activated
Enabled maximum speed for the mouse pointer
Enabled Uxtheme patch
Minimizing the number of new items to be displayed in the list
Enabled Avalon effects
Enabled Windows dreamscenes
Enabled window slow motion effects
Enabled thick window frame
Enabled IE Phishing Filter
The background sound is enabled in IE
Default page like Google's search
Enabled the use ClearType
Maximum Number of Enabled download up to 20
Welcome page is activated
Java runtime environment 20 update
DirectX updated upto February 2010
Mozilla Firefox
VLC media player
Added shorcuts to the desktop context menu
FIX: describe the actions or behavior of the system without knowledge
Enabled Uxtheme patch
Minimizing the number of new items to be displayed in the list
Enabled Avalon effects
Enabled Windows dreamscenes
Enabled window slow motion effects
Enabled thick window frame
Enabled IE Phishing Filter
The background sound is enabled in IE
Default page like Google's search
Enabled the use ClearType
Maximum Number of Enabled download up to 20
Welcome page is activated
Java runtime environment 20 update
DirectX updated upto February 2010
Mozilla Firefox
VLC media player
Added shorcuts to the desktop context menu
FIX: describe the actions or behavior of the system without knowledge
- FIX: Remote Denial of Service Attackers
- Resolving Problems caused by daylight saving time
- Support Secure Digital (SD) card is larger than 32 GB
- Resolved issue with non-compatible applications
- Added Tweaker graphics cards for both ATI and Nvidia
- RT Registry Tweaker Features
- FIX: Remote Denial of Service Attackers
- Resolving Problems caused by daylight saving time
- Support Secure Digital (SD) card is larger than 32 GB
- Resolved issue with non-compatible applications
- Added Tweaker graphics cards for both ATI and Nvidia
- RT Registry Tweaker Features
Activation: 30 days trial
CD-Key : Needed
Size: (32-bit : 2.91GB)
DVD: 1
Image Format: ISO Image File
Installation Time : 10 Mins
Author: Benjamin (Rockers Team)
CD-Key : Needed
Size: (32-bit : 2.91GB)
DVD: 1
Image Format: ISO Image File
Installation Time : 10 Mins
Author: Benjamin (Rockers Team)
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